

Jimmy Shumock在毕业典礼上的演讲
Jimmy Shumock, a member of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 校董会, delivered 周五早上在美国米切尔中心的毕业典礼演讲. 近1500名毕业生 是公认的.

Jimmy Shumock, a Mobile business leader and a member of the 十大玩彩信誉平台 校董会, urged fall graduates to put their “first-class education” to use 为他们的社区服务.

In a Friday morning Commencement address at the USA 米切尔中心, Shumock asked 南’s newest alumni to smile, then offered a SMILE acronym of advice for their future


舒默克说:“我鼓励你参与一些事情. “满足人. 把你自己 在那里. 这需要时间,你会得到你投入的东西. 建立友谊 and relationships is a little like putting some money in a savings account. 年 之后,你会得到比投资更多的钱.”


“You are going to make mistakes at work, in relationships, in life in general. 自己的 从这些错误中学习,尽量不要重蹈覆辙.”


“拥抱它. 不要让它从你身边溜走,不管它有多难. 尊重他人 it. 对此持怀疑态度.”


“我从妻子那里学到了很多十大玩彩信誉平台如何笑和如何脆弱的东西. 我学会了不去做 把自己看得太重,甚至嘲笑自己. 黛比和我都喜欢和人交往. We 我喜欢呆在一个能让我们开心大笑的环境里.”


“在你所有的工作中都要保持高度的道德标准. 做决定,不仅 benefit 你rself, but also consider the well-being of others and the world around 你.”

在秋季毕业典礼上,近1500名学位候选人获得了认可. 成千上万的 朋友和家人帮助他们庆祝. 一些人在仪式上欢呼, 而其他人则用自己的方式庆祝.

For Riley Roberts, a 30-year-old from Burleson, Texas, Friday completed her pursuit 获得护理学硕士学位. 她看上去如释重负. 

“这有点超现实,”罗伯茨说. “我的护理之旅始于一位助理 degree, and then a bachelor’s degree, and working eight years as a nurse, and now 我在这里. 这是我努力了很久的目标.”

Grayson Ladd, a 22-year-old from Daphne, Alabama, enjoyed Commencement with friends 和同学.

拉德说:“我主修戏剧,辅修地质学——这是一种狂野的混合。. “我喜欢上车 登台表演. 在十大玩彩信誉平台,我要演《十大玩彩信誉平台》、《十大玩彩信誉平台》,还有一部 《十大信誉彩票平台》.’”

Payton Gatto, a 22-year-old biology major from Mobile, had a concentration of study 海洋科学. 她用“加勒比海盗”的图案装饰毕业帽。 主题.

“我在南方度过了一段美好的时光,”加托说. “十大玩彩信誉平台的海洋科学项目 是新的而且很有趣吗. 我在海豚岛海洋实验室上了很多课,我们 每天下课后去海滩.”

Dr. 执行副总裁兼教务长安迪·肯特(Andi Kent)领导了毕业典礼. 她感谢 the day’s graduates for helping 南 become the Flagship of the Gulf Coast.

“你应该感到自豪,”她说. “你设定了一个目标,并为之奋斗多年. The things 你’ve learned and the friends 你’ve made will help guide 你 for years 来. 我应该知道. 我是你们中的一员,十大玩彩信誉平台的毕业生. 我曾站在你的立场上 — 你r uncomfortable graduation shoes — and while it has been a few years, I walked across this very stage to receive a diploma and step toward the next challenge.”

Kent encouraged new 南 alumni to find meaning behind the pomp and circumstance 他们的毕业典礼.

“At some point, while 你’re smiling and profiling, 你’re going to feel the moment,” 她说. “你可能不会哭,但你会注意到你的胸部有轻微的拉扯. 这是 just 你r heart telling 你 that today is 你r day, 你’ve changed and 你’ve grown, and 你r years at 南 just might matter more than 你 ever thought possible.”

Kent introduced Shumock as “a man whose heart bleeds red, white and blue.他赢得了 an accounting degree at 南 and went on to become chief executive officer of Thompson 移动工程. 他是捷豹跑车的粉丝,也是田径运动的支持者 米切尔商学院. 当时他是美国董事会的临时主席 of Trustees, 南 hired 总统 Jo Bonner, launched the Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences, and built Hancock Whitney Stadium on campus. 

“All that said,” Kent concluded, “one of the most important things to know about Jimmy Shumock is that he loves this University and has more Jaguar pride than any person 我知道.”

In his Commencement address, Shumock congratulated graduates and promised to be brief.

“I have been known to put the stopwatch on previous speakers,” he joked, “and I’m 怕有人在算计我.”

Shumock said he was beyond grateful for everything the 十大玩彩信誉平台 给了他. 他的希望是,当学生们在生活中走自己的路时,他们会看 像他一样深情地望着南方.

He asked everyone in the 米切尔中心 to hold up a J symbol with their hands and 和他一起高呼“美洲豹加油”. 他的临终遗言让毕业生们想起了他的“建议”(advice)这个缩写词.

“Today signifies not just an end but a commencement — a commencement of new responsibilities, 挑战和机遇,”舒默克说. “当我们告别这一章时, let us carry our SMILE with us — a beacon of hope and optimism lighting our paths 之前.”




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